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Thread: Larry Brown and SMU Post Season Ban

  1. #51
    The federal interest is taxation of income, interstate commerce and anti-trust regulation. There is a significant federal interest. The problem is the Big 5 conferences have their home state senators in their back pockets. They can filibuster any proposed federal legislation that would be detrimental to their home state teams.

  2. #52
    It's well past time to strip college athletics of tax exempt status. The conferences sell their product for billions of dollars. They should be taxed on that revenue, just like the Big Ten should be taxed on their ownership stake in the Big Ten Network as unrelated business activity. Strip the deduction for donations to athletics too. If the colleges don't even try to pretend anymore that their in it for education, let's treat them as the minor leagues they are.
    90% of quotes on the internet are wrong.
    - Abraham Lincoln

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Gato78 View Post
    They can filibuster any proposed federal legislation that would be detrimental to their home state teams.
    Thankfully we live in a quiet period of history and nothing is going on in the world which should occupy their collective attention. Sigh.
    90% of quotes on the internet are wrong.
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Goose85 View Post
    There was a lot of 'federal' interest when old Mitch McConnell was talking to the Big 12 and ACC about Louisville.
    I think the reason why the other 5 get a shot at a New Year's Day bowl and some of the playoff money is because of some senate pressure to ensure their home state schools were not completely screwed. I recall Orin Hatch making a big stink back when Urban Meyer was the Utah coach and the Utes were being left out of the big bowl game discussion.

    And...nothing happened.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by MayorBeluga View Post
    It's well past time to strip college athletics of tax exempt status. The conferences sell their product for billions of dollars. They should be taxed on that revenue, just like the Big Ten should be taxed on their ownership stake in the Big Ten Network as unrelated business activity. Strip the deduction for donations to athletics too. If the colleges don't even try to pretend anymore that their in it for education, let's treat them as the minor leagues they are.

    I don't have a problem with calling intercollegiate athletics an unrelated business expense. Just know that it will likely hit the smaller schools harder.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSultan View Post
    And...nothing happened.
    Louisville is now in the ACC, and the little guys do get a small sliver of the pie.

    When the playoffs expand to 8 teams, that is when it will get interesting.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Goose85 View Post
    Louisville is now in the ACC, and the little guys do get a small sliver of the pie.

    When the playoffs expand to 8 teams, that is when it will get interesting.

    Louisville got into the ACC because they were the best program available. And a little sliver of the pie is a little sliver of the pie.

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