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Thread: National anthem

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Arlington, VA
    They should just stop playing the anthem before all games (high school, college and professional). It becomes a non-issue then and we can get back to enjoying sports.

  2. #12
    I doubt that will happen. Playing or singing the anthem at sporting events - from high school through professional - is a tradition ingrained in the fabric of American society.

    Not playing/singing the anthem would itself be politicized. Some would applaud that decision. Others would be outraged and would condemn it. In short, the controversy would not only still exist but it could become even more of an issue with even greater emotional input/output on both sides than there is now.

  3. #13
    Funny how all of a sudden people are so interested in what people should and shouldn't do with respect to the flag. I think most of that started around 9/11, as I recall going to games when teams weren't even on the field / court during the anthem.

    I find it interesting that people are so bent out of shape for a guy taking a knee. Take a knee and you are garbage and the US President calls you a SOB, but those same fans never seemed to care much when their team had players that were drug dealers in college (like Driver) or hit women, or took performance enhancing drugs, or have assaulted others, etc. I have also long seen people at high school, college, and pro events that keep talking, look around, or in general don't pay attention during the anthem. There were photographers running all over during the anthem last night taking pictures, TV cameras, etc - they paid no attention to the anthem, didn't stand still or look at the flag at all. I'd bet some even took a knee to get a better shot of the players during the anthem.

    Interesting, I was watching the game last night and one of the 'flag rules' is that a flag should never be carried horizontally, and yet last night there was the flag, being held horizontally across the field. Interesting that there was no public outcry that the flag was being disrespected by being displayed horizontally. I'm sure there will be public outcry today about the disrespectful presentation of the flag at last nights game.
    Also, the flag is not to be on clothing, or stitched to any thing like a pillow, etc. Yet every 4th of July I see flag t-shirts all over the place, yet no backlash when Walmart disrespects the flag by selling shirts, towels, etc with a flag on them.

    I guess we only sometimes care about what we consider disrespecting the flag.

  4. #14
    The problem it used to be simply playing the National Anthem. But it has morphed into football-field sized flags, flyovers at every game, fireworks, veteran recognition (that was paid for), etc. The NFL (and other leagues) have used patriotism to their advantage, especially since 9/11. I mean, I love the country and all, but the spectacle often borders on the outrageous.

  5. #15
    The protests, other than the backlash to the recent Trump tweets , really have not been political. More about police harassment and police shootings relative to minority communities. Personally, I have no issue with those protests. Unfortunately, the far greater issues in those communities relate to poverty, jobs, economics and crimes. Those issues are not unique to our country. Look at Europe, India and on and on. differnet minorities, but the same issues.
    Last edited by Nukem2; 09-26-2017 at 10:19 AM.

  6. #16
    Just stand for the flag and shut up!!
    March Madness starts in November

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by MU/Panther View Post
    Just stand for the flag and shut up!!
    I did see a picture on a news site talking about how a stadium worker in Buffalo was so upset he quit his job on the spot. Funny, in the picture attached to the story is a photographer, on one knee, taking a picture of the players during the anthem. I'd imagine there are people calling for him to lose his job today, but I can't find that story anywhere.

    What's next, the flag carried horizontally, or the flag showing up on apparel, or showing up on athletic uniforms? All big no nos according to the department of Veteran Affairs.
    Last edited by Goose85; 09-26-2017 at 12:05 PM.

  8. #18
    I found this interesting. Paul Chryst responding to a question:

    The team may not be out on the field during the national anthem, but have you felt the need to address anything going on outside with the team?

    “I always feel the need to talk with our players about everything that you think might be on their minds. I’ve done that for a long time and want to continue to do that. I can learn from talking to them and get a sense of where they’re at, and whether it’s what was kind of a lot’s been talked about this weekend, whether it was two weekends, three weekends ago, a number of kids we thought their families were going to be affected by weather.

    “Then there’s a number of other kids that have things going on at home that’s not a national story but it’s real to them, so I think the more that we can talk to our kids and learn and help them go through all the things that they go through at this time in their life. This time, whether it’s a national thing, whether it’s a local [thing], I think you try to talk to them and learn and hear, and I’m proud.

    More from that answer:

    “I think that’s one of the areas, one of the things that I appreciate most about being at Wisconsin, particularly with this group of guys, is that there are thoughts and well-thought-out feelings and opinions. They challenge each other or they’ll talk it out. It’s one of the parts of my job that no one sees it but that I really appreciate.”

    If that is going on at UW, I'd bet the same attitude/approach is going on at MU.
    Last edited by Phantom Warrior; 09-26-2017 at 01:34 PM.

  9. #19
    I believe that the NBA has a rule about players standing for the anthem already in place. If true, will be interesting to see if that is challenged this fall. And then if challenged, what does the League do.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nukem2 View Post
    The protests, other than the backlash to the recent Trump tweets , really have not been political. More about police harassment and police shootings relative to minority communities. Personally, I have no issue with those protests. Unfortunately, the far greater issues in those communities relate to poverty, jobs, economics and crimes. Those issues are not unique to our country. Look at Europe, India and on and on. differnet minorities, but the same issues.
    Unfortunately, the protestors chose a "lightning rod" for their protests. Now, their reasons are not considered or discussed - by them or anyone else. Frankly, I think they chose the wrong thing/way to protest or to get the issues on the table. I also think the NFL blew a huge opportunity with their reaction to the President's comments. Instead of the vitriolic reaction, they could have said the players have important issues that need to be discussed and they support their wanting to have them discussed. That would have elevated their cause, but now that is background music in a highly divided country.

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