We all know that MU is to be partnering, in some capacity, with the Milwaukee Bucks on this Athletic Research Center. Looks like Lovell is open to getting the Milwaukee Brewers involved as well. I look forward to seeing how this will evolve. This has the potential to be really good for both MU and Milwaukee.

From the Business Journal article.
Lovell said he hopes to have other private donors step forward and have funds ready by this summer to follow with a 2017 groundbreaking.
He also said that the university would be open to sharing the 250,000- to 300,000-square-foot center, and did not shy away from a question asking if interested, the Brewers or other sports teams gain from the facility.
"We don't want to exclude anyone in this," Lovell said. "We hope for this to become a center for high-performance athletes to come to on a national scale."
