Loved it, especially the reaction of the WVU students. That said, the drawback is that it was the focus of the reporting and not the win with suspended players. WVU students Are probably just upset b/c they are WVU students and that ND students mocked them this week by singing Country Roads. Maybe we can get ND students to sing it while Buzz dances?

Also, anyone else getting sick of the stories focusing on the loss by the other team, not the MU win? Last week it was UConn losing a game they needed. This week it's WVU losing a bubble game instead of MU winning.

Will be in NYC for the BET and would love to see WVU exit on Tuesday. Awful fans. Last year in NYC, we had a bunch of WVU fans who were the most obnoxious jackholes ever behind us during our game against WVU. They were complete jagoffs while WVU led but ran as soon as we took control in the last two minutes. Mrs. Gato (iirc) with the line of the tournament with "alcohol and inbreeding make a bad combination"