Quote Originally Posted by MUMac View Post
I was not assuming that the coaching staff was not working with Derrick. In fact, I firmly believed the opposite. Crean worked with DJ, as well. That staff chose to go to a shooting coach in the offseason to help DJ. That is what I suspect is under consideration for Derrick. With DJ, his form needed fixing. Derrick's form looks fine, maybe a little tweaking, but nothing major.

It may be psychological. It may be that he just does not have the depth perception to be a good shooter. Who knows. He is not good right now.
MuMac Not pickin' on you or anyone in particular - just frustrated with too much lack of support for players and coaches. I'm sure everyone believes that Derrick has worked on shot. I also expect that coaches have looked at his form/skill videotapes ad nauseum, and looked hard for flaws. Did not know Crean brought in consultant for DJ, and appreciate learning that. I've focused on shooting basic jumper/FT motion. As some said above, jumper seems basically good form. That is why I believe the right coach that Derrick clicks with and gives him some confidence - the mental part - can help. Unlike some, I do believe that Derrick can be fixed. To use my PGA analogy, even the guys ranked 120-125 and in the development tour are great ball strikers - it is the mental aspect that separate the top money winners.