- When Juan Anderson plays within himself, he can be a real great cog for this team. Gives the most hustle of anyone and seems to be moving into that Lockett "do anything" role from LY. Game like today reminds me I was wrong to write him off completely.

- Derrick Wilson showed the same aggressiveness offensively that he showed against ASU tonight. Completely different squad if he can even meet somewhere in the middle of his highs and lows.

- Great nights for the frosh. Trey J and Burton combine for 22 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals. Dang. Again, if Buzz gives them the minutes, both can be strong contributors THIS YEAR

- Open for reasoning as to why Jake Thomas is starting / getting significant minutes right now. Averaging less than 4 points his last four. I nearly think the idea of him being a threat from 3 is more threatening than his actual play.

- Speaking of playing within himself, I think with Gardner's gaudy numbers at times, it is understated how well Chris has progressed offensively. Showed some good moves including a turn around hook tonight.

- My favorite lineup of the night and one I want to see more together moving forward is Jamil Wilson, JuJuan Johnson, Juan Anderson, Deonte Burton and Davante Gardner. If given the reigns, that's my starting five as it gives you the best blend of hustle, speed and offensive skill.

- Is STJ still injured?

- Bummed we didn't see Duane Wilson Jr for the first time tonight. This side of a redshirt, this would've been the perfect time to bed him into the side.

- Intrigued with Buzz implementing the press late in the game, perhaps prepping a look for Saturday?

- Speaking of Saturday, with their loss tonight, New Mexico becomes as much of a OOC "must win" as one can have. Need at least one legit W outside of conference if we want to be taken seriously Selection Sunday.