There has been some discussion about the opener at the new stadium next November and whether MU and Wojo will do something pretty special in terms of opponent.

I would love it if he reaches out to Coach K and has Duke come in for a one time event. Doesn’t have to be a home and home, though that would be great as well.

With Duke now having one of the greatest recruiting classes in many years, they will come in with a ton of hype and likely a Top 5 ranking. MU may not have a great ranking to start the year, but we will have a ton of talent, depth and most importantly experience.

Duke may not be in sync yet with 5 new starters and still trying to get their chemistry going much like Kentucky is experiencing this season.

So we would be in position to have a ton of exposure as it would be Duke’s recruiting class’ first game, first game at a new stadium, first game of Wojo vs Coach K and quite possibly, a big win for our program leading off what should be a great season.