I've said all along that I think Greg could push for a starting spot next year, or, at the very least a solid 15-20 mpg. From what I've seen, he is considerably quicker than either Haanif or Sacar, and he is a better ball handler than Sacar and maybe better in this regard than Haanif.

He may prove to be even more valuable on defense than on offense in terms of defending BE 2 guards as he is certainly bigger than Rowsey or Markus and quicker than both as well.

Reading the article on him above, I think much of what the individual has written could be right on ( or is it spot on?).

I really liked our mini-midget back-court combo of Markus and Rowsey from an offensive standpoint, but we usually suffered on the defensive end when both were on the court together. I think Greg will offer a legitimate option for Wojo to play alongside either Markus or Rowsey.