First, let me say that while I am not buddies with Fran, I know him well enough to know he is typically not prone to rash actions. He was even part of a private emails exchange and asked to be removed to make sure he remained above reproach. I remember him all the way back to the Majerus lunch talk and coming away with the sense that he was a sober, reflective guy who was realistic about things, in comparison to my more aggressive and perhaps less realistic positions. Losing Fran is a bigger deal than many would understand.

As for the hard questions, I never expected any answers. I kinda already know them, which is why I didn't expect any real response with supporting facts. (Hey Fran....never ask a question you don't already know the answer to, right? )

Interestingly, I got a response from the Chancellor to an email I sent. It was dismissive, and read like a press release out of the AD, not the true feelings or thoughts of Mone. It even contained the oft repeated lie about how UWM funds the program at the highest level in the Horizon League.

It's clear that the problem here is more than AB. Mone needs to grow a set, or go somewhere else.