A few years back when the conference realignment was crazy, the power 5 conference named themselves the power 5 conferences, and made their move to grab almost all of the football money and exposure. One of the things the power 5 did was further cement bowl tie ins.

The power 5 committed to sending teams to an expanded number of bowls, no problem right, if something happens and they don't have enough teams, the other five conferences will happily fill in. So, 10 SEC bowl ties, 9 Big 10 bowl ties, 7 Big 12 ties, etc. Well the other five football conferences decided to set up their own bowls to make sure their teams with good seasons would be assured a bowl.

Problem, right now only 71 teams are bowl eligible and there are 80 teams needed. Sure, if all breaks right another 9 might get there this week, but if not the NCAA will need to make decisions to let teams with 5-7 records in to make sure bowl commitments are kept.

Big 10, are you sure you want to go to 9 conference games and stop playing FCS teams? You need 9 teams with winning records to make your bowl sponsors happy.


Ok, now back to basketball talk.