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Thread: Rules committee has spoken

  1. #1

    Rules committee has spoken

    Some interesting stuff here......still wish they had gone to a 20 second reset after A common foul but baby steps I guess.

  2. #2

    Teams will only get four timeouts instead of five, and only three can be carried into the second half. Officials will also make an effort to resume play faster after a timeout or a player fouling out.
    March Madness starts in November

  3. #3
    This article does a good job of covering all the proposed changes:

    Some highlights...
    • Expanding the 3-foot arc to a 4-foot arc to reduce collisions at the hoop.
    • One less second half timeout, and timeouts called within 30 seconds of a TV timeout will take the place of the TV timeout. So if you call one at 16:30, now that is the TV timeout, any time until the TV timeout would occur (first stoppage at that under-4 period).
    • Coaches cannot make live ball timeouts...does that mean no taking it across the halfcourt stripe then calling timeout?
    • Only 10 seconds to get the ball across the timeline. As I read that, if you hold a team for 9 seconds and they call timeout, they better throw the subsequent inbounds past the timeline. However, if there are no live ball timeouts, is it relevant? The no live ball timeout is really messing with my head.
    • Refs can penalize fake fouls. Good thing Gasser and Kaminsky graduated...guessing this is Wisconsin inspired
    • Shot clock violations are reviewable on monitor...also Wisconsin inspired
    • Experimenting with adding an extra foul in postseason play. Possibly for NIT/CBI? I don't like this...the extra foul should be in overtime. For a 40 minute game, 5 is fine, but they should allow a sixth if it goes an extra frame.

  4. #4
    You are misinterpreting the "no live ball timeouts". Currently, a coach can directly call a timeout. Now it has to be the player on the court to make the timeout call. The coach cannot directly make that call to the official.

  5. #5
    Okay...that makes way more sense. Thanks for the catch, because that was really messing with me. Buzz in particular will hate that.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MUMac View Post
    You are misinterpreting the "no live ball timeouts". Currently, a coach can directly call a timeout. Now it has to be the player on the court to make the timeout call. The coach cannot directly make that call to the official.
    Like that rule, will require players to have a better understanding of the situation, will be interesting though to see how many players pull a Chris Webber.
    The artist formerly known as "the sitting MU coach for president"

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Still want to see the lane widened and 3-point line moved out to FIBA standards. I bet that happens in two years when the committee makes their next rule change recommendations.

  8. #8
    The change I would have loved to see would have said that any foul (shooting or not, in bonus or not) during the last two minutes of a game leads to a free throw attempt and continued possession of the ball. I think that would put an end to all the intentional fouls that are never called intentional fouls in the last couple of minutes.

    I've seen too many games that had a half dozen (or more) fouls in the last minute of game time. It can take as long as 20 minutes - between fouls and time outs - to play the last two minutes.

  9. #9
    Still really sucks that the first team timeout called in thd 2nd half is automatically a full timeout.
    March Madness starts in November

  10. #10
    I'd like to see a dead ball timeout after a made basket advance the ball to halfcourt. Better chance of late game dramatics.

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