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Thread: G-Town Game

  1. #21
    Luke was impressive going against some big beefy guys. Taylor with some nice moves, although like Donny Marshall said, Taylor needs to pull up on those 8 footers and not force it down lowagainst 3 guys. JJJ could be this team's X factor - clean up the handle and knock those wide open jump shots - he works hard to get so wide open but just misses those jumpers.

    Brando and Marshall were a good duo - haven't heard them together before.

  2. #22
    Got to get more then 2 rebounds out of Luke though

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by CaribouJim View Post
    Luke was impressive going against some big beefy guys. Taylor with some nice moves, although like Donny Marshall said, Taylor needs to pull up on those 8 footers and not force it down lowagainst 3 guys. JJJ could be this team's X factor - clean up the handle and knock those wide open jump shots - he works hard to get so wide open but just misses those jumpers.

    Brando and Marshall were a good duo - haven't heard them together before.

    Brando was awful. He kept calling players "Taylor" who aren't named Taylor. He had no clue was the refs were reviewing during the lengthy review. He went on and on about a "resurgence" in DePaul basketball, etc. etc. etc.

    He's usually better than that, but he wasn't tonight.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by CaribouJim View Post

    Brando and Marshall were a good duo - haven't heard them together before.
    I'm glad Tim Brando is on FS1. Has a great show from 9am to 12pm on Sirius XM. Made some name mistakes, but who doesn't. There human.
    March Madness starts in November

  5. #25
    What are your guys thoughts as to why Luke isnt getting more touches? Wojo, the players, Luke, the announcers, even us idiot fans all know that he needs more touches - what is happening throughout the game that we aren't able to get him more involved?

    I like the action when he sets the wing screen and then rolls to the bucket and the ball is swung to the top of the key hoping Luke can seal his man for a high/low entry feed but other than that it doesnt seem like we run a ton of action to get him touches or am I missing something?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by WindyCityGoldenEagle View Post
    What are your guys thoughts as to why Luke isnt getting more touches? Wojo, the players, Luke, the announcers, even us idiot fans all know that he needs more touches - what is happening throughout the game that we aren't able to get him more involved?

    I like the action when he sets the wing screen and then rolls to the bucket and the ball is swung to the top of the key hoping Luke can seal his man for a high/low entry feed but other than that it doesnt seem like we run a ton of action to get him touches or am I missing something?
    I think defenses are doing everything they can to deny him the ball because he is clearly our best player. And they also attack him on the other end to try to get him into foul trouble.

  7. #27
    For one night only I would have loved have Davante back so he could have went toe to toe vs the big center they have.....would have been quite the battle of the bodies.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by WindyCityGoldenEagle View Post
    What are your guys thoughts as to why Luke isnt getting more touches? Wojo, the players, Luke, the announcers, even us idiot fans all know that he needs more touches - what is happening throughout the game that we aren't able to get him more involved?

    I like the action when he sets the wing screen and then rolls to the bucket and the ball is swung to the top of the key hoping Luke can seal his man for a high/low entry feed but other than that it doesnt seem like we run a ton of action to get him touches or am I missing something?
    With the way defenses are keying on Luke (and rightfully so), we need to be more creative in finding entry points to pass it into him. Also, I would not mind seeing him flash to the FT line and even take a couple of 8-10 footers. Also, need Luke to do a better job of knocking down his FT's (and expect for him to be a 70-75 percent from the line).

  9. #29
    I love college basketball, but the overall lack of fundamental skills is a constant aggravation - specifically the lack of jump shooting. Not slamming Juan, he's a great kid who busts his ass, I love him. But how many times in a game must he shot fake? He took a shot fake tonight (off a turnover maybe?) where there was nobody within 10 feet of him! He even hit a 3, yet still has no confidence to shoot the ball. And I'm not talking about 3's, I'm talking about the mid-range game. There are plenty of examples: passing up a 3, driving the lane as Smith stepped up. Rather than jump stop and shoot over him, he plows into him and turns it over. Then the possession after the referee review late in the game was hard to watch. Juan gets the ball in a position to spin to the basket and take a 10 foot jump shot for the lead. Instead, doesn't even cross his mind. Pass to Duane, one of his multiple travels before putting the ball on the floor. Nothing more important than taking care of the ball and there were a lot of careless decisions tonight. Frustrating - game was there to steal and couldn't do it.

    Having said that, this is a thin roster and they played their asses off. Very entertaining game. Rest up and get revenge against Creighton!

  10. #30
    Senior Member
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    I think all three have a lot of potential, but Duane, JuJuan, and Sandy better put on at least 20 pounds of muscle during the off-season. They have to get stronger, be stronger with the ball to reduce TO's, and be able to absorb contact so they can finish at the basket and hold defenders off them in traffic. For all of Derrick's shortcomings (and btw, he's easily playing the best ball of his MU career of late), he's strong with the ball and able to absorb contact. If we had a full roster, Sandy would have been an ideal candidate to redshirt.

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