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Thread: Fire purnell

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorOMalley82 View Post
    I agree that is where she should put her time and effort into and be judged by, unless as is the case here her bosses do not provide the assets needed to do that job. The administration knows they are not allowing her to be successful in that area and for whatever reason they are ok with that decision. Depaul does not need basketball as a marketing tool, they are the largest Catholic university in the country, they are quite content being very well regarded and very well connected in the Chicago area. Where MU has always had an outsiders view from the Milwaukee powers and has been subjected to UW alums being in control of the city that is not the case for Depaul. U of I is just another university in Chicago not as well connected as Depaul alums or at best on equal terms, all this is to say that basketball is no where near as important to Depaul as it is to MU, and Depaul Administrations will not pay the dollars needed to be good and they know that and understand that they are sacrificing Jean to that extent.
    How are they not spending the money? They are paying Purnell about $2 million/year and are putting up $80+ million towards the new arena.

    Do they not pay assistant's well? I saw a picture of them boarding a plane to George Washington a week or so ago and they were flying commercial, so that's definitely not ideal. Then again there was that article a year or so ago saying how UCLA - of all programs - flies commercial. So that shouldn't restrict them from not being awful.

    Any other ways they are cheap?

  2. #12
    I just read her bio, and didn't realize that she has been continuously associated with DePaul athletics as a student athlete, coach and administrator since 1974. Her husband played basketball under Ray Meyer. Two of her brothers work in the athletic department, one as director of facilities and the other as head softball coach.

    On one hand, that is very admirable that she and her family are so dedicated to DePaul athletics. However it is daunting as a president trying to dislodge someone that powerful and that connected from her position. If he would even want to do so.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Mark Miller's Avatar
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    Complete and utter train wreck.

  4. #14
    Yes her older brother is the football coach at Mt. Carmel H.S. He has won more state championships than anyone in state history. One brother is the woman's softball coach, he was elected to the national softball hall of fame a few years ago. Another brother was drafted in baseball by the Red Sox. We had quite competitive sports teams and scuffles in the neighborhood. As far as how DePaul is cheap, they are not paying Purnell near 2 million I think his guarantee including camps is closer to 1.3 they have nowhere near the recruiting budget, asst. coaches salaries, trainers, tutors practice and workout facilities. Also remember they are just now starting to spend money, where the program went south was not paying to keep Leito. I do believe that they may start spending more, but they have to make up decades of not spending, and that is what I am talking.

  5. #15
    They have to ramp up their athletics advancement. They should be able to kill us with contributing alums. They should have gold plated crappers for their team.

  6. #16
    Another horrendous performance by DePaul. This is beyond embarrassing, fire that man now! Sadly, he'll probably return next year. They stink and to make matters worse they don't compete. That's when you know things aren't salvageable.

    Hire a young, intense coach to start to turn it around. Drew Diener would be a really strong hire I think. Or Jim Engles from NJIT - they were terrible when he took over (winless year before his arrival I think?). Their transformation has been incredible.

    Somebody save that program!!

  7. #17
    Wardle makes so much sense there-if he wants to take the career risk.

  8. #18
    Lenti-Ponsetto's husband played on the DePaul FF team with David Corzine and Mark Aguirre. I believe there was also another NBA player in the line-up. The team was not deep. They played the same five players through the whole tournament. Ponsetto had played on the state championship team at Proviso East. DePaul was just starting to recruit big name players at the time. Corzine was the first. He was a senior. Aguirre was the best. He was a freshman. He and Isaiah Thomas had slugged it out in the state tournament a few years earlier. Joey Meyer was the guy who did most of the recruiting. Ponsetto was a typical good-but not great college player. He got little attention from the pros. I think he played in Italy for a few years. Joey of course took over after Ray retired, and had some pretty good teams. I do not know who the AD was when Ray was the coach, it might have been him, but the next AD was the guy who fired Joey. Joey ran into trouble trying to get kids into DePaul. He had one really good but not very bright player named Kenny Fields who did not get in, and ended up spending his career in the CBA. He also got a commitment from Tracy McGrady, who went to the NBA when DePaul did not take him. I do not know if he had a commitment from Kevin Garnett, but he was after him. The biggest blow came when Benji Wilson, perhaps the best local recruit DePaul ever had was tragically murdered just before he was going to begin school. So Joey's teams declined, and DePaul refused to spend much money on facilities.

    When Joey retired, Ray broke off any contact with the school. They named the practice facility for him, and he declined to come to the dedication. The AD hired Fat Kennedy, and Kennedy immediately got permission to recruit kids Joey could not get into school. The best was a Chicago kid who many in the Marquette community were angry that Mike Deane did not recruit. He was a really good player in his two years, but I heard from his tutor that it was a good thing he left after two years, as he had hit the maximum of his academic ability. I am not at all sure Deane could have gotten him into Marquette. Ray complained that Kennedy was getting all the stuff Joey had asked for, but never got. When the AD left to go elsewhere, Lenti-Ponsetto was hired, and Ray immediately gave her a congratulatory phone call. He also appeared at a game for the first time in years.

    I am not sure how much DePaul could garner in alumni donations. They were the talk of the city in the 70's and 80's when they were on top. Chicago, like most places, is a front-runner town, and Chicagoans loved the idea of the little school under the El tracks. After they lost prominence, everybody lost interest, including my relatives who had attended and who used to listen to all the games. I doubt they could get that kind of support back. Meanwhile, I have met several students who know nothing at all about the basketball team. DePaul has a huge alumni base, but not a particularly rich one. Forever, it has been the place where local kids, and more and more adults, went to get a pretty good education. It has never claimed to be the Harvard of Chicago. It has some really good programs, like music and drama, and it has always been a solid business school, but it is not going to crank out any Nobel prize winners or guys who found Nike or Microsoft. So I do not know how much potential there is to get additional donations out of the athletic program.
    Last edited by unclejohn; 12-24-2014 at 02:43 AM.

  9. #19
    it was Ronnie Fields, not Kenny Fields, but a very talented City player and would have had trouble getting in anywhere, let alone DePaul. That hurt DU to a certain degree as I am sure the staff had an idea he wasn't getting in.

    I seem to recall Benji Wilson being an Illini lean as opposed to DePual as he hadn't signed yet (killed right before his senior season).

    There is no reason this program can't rebound and be very competitive and join the ranks of MU, Butler, Creighton and XU. But if the Admin doesn't back the program it won't matter who the coach is. Without support from the top it just doesn't work. I mean, look at MU the last 18 months.

  10. #20
    UncleJohn, Ponsetto and Corzine were '78 grads and not on that FF team.

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