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Thread: What we all owe Buzz Williams

  1. #1

    What we all owe Buzz Williams

    The intensity that Buzz Williams brings to his work is mind boggling to me.

    That said his employers and the fan base could help a great deal by understanding the effort and what that can do to a human being. I do not pretend to understand him other than knowing that all of us need down time to recharge the batteries. Without that any of us would fall apart or get sick in short order.

    I think a lot of what we saw in the recent Buzz to SMU saga was basketball season fatigue. In the past four years Buzz has done nothing short of putting Marquette University on the firmest footing since Al McGuire was doing his magic act on Wisconsin Avenue. Al started it when no one was really watching. Now the Internet, 24/7 sports channels, sports radio and social networking mean Buzz had to do it with a microscope up his #%$!

    Give the man some space fans and media. We owe it to him to take him at his word. He now has an established track record that even Bobby Hurley should respect.

  2. #2
    Good post. Just watched his TV show from last nite. He did seem tired. He does put a lot of energy into his job.

  3. #3
    I think his players can do him a huge favor by refraining from anything that can be perceived as bad behavior. I know, easier said than done when young, but these guys are ultra-disciplined athletes - extend that to your off the court lives - let Buzz concentrate soley on b-ball related only stuff. Not too much to ask for a free education and for a guy that you say you love and care for.

  4. #4
    I agree. But you know Buzz, he is going to recruit his balls off this summer and keep an eye on that giant sophomore class now that will graduate in 2 years.

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