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Thread: Holy ****....Brad Stevens to the Celtics!

  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Holly Springs, NC
    "Oh, No! We suck again!"

    - Rob Schneider in The Waterboy
    - Butler fans today

  2. #32
    Butler won with Collier, Matta, and Lickliter prior to Stevens. I think Jordan could be an outstanding hire and maybe even jump start Butler's recruiting.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by MUMac View Post
    Someone on scoop posted they would have an announcement this evening. Perhaps they were prepared for this. Stevens did seem interested in UCLA and other opportunities of late.
    Or he's a class act who let the AD know that this was in play prior to today and didn't wait until the AD and president were on planes for the word to get out.
    "My contact didn't cite logic, he/she cited the NCAA rulebook." - IWB, 3/20/18

  4. #34
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggysfryboy View Post
    Or he's a class act who let the AD know that this was in play prior to today and didn't wait until the AD and president were on planes for the word to get out.
    AD said that they didn't find out until earlier today at their press conference tonight.

  5. #35
    They had a press conference but no announcement other then Stevens leaving.

  6. #36
    Andy Katz reported Stevens had been approached by several NBA teams in the past and specifically mentioned the Memphis Grizzlies and Atlanta Hawks. Said Stevens loved Butler and would only leave for a few jobs. Celtics were obviously one, can't argue with the Celtics' history of success.

  7. #37
    Will be interesting to see if this turns into the Rick Pitino sequel, "Celtics fans....Larry Bird, Robert Parish and Kevin McHale are not walking through that door." As Pitino coached losing season after losing season with the Celtics until he returned to college.

    Especially now with Celtics trading away KG and Paul Pierce. Also mentioned on ESPN that Rajon Rondo's personality is tough to deal with. Doc had a tough time and Ray Allen supposedly did as well.

  8. #38
    Makes Buzz, JT3, Wright that much more valuable to the new Big East.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by warriorfan4life View Post
    Butler won with Collier, Matta, and Lickliter prior to Stevens. I think Jordan could be an outstanding hire and maybe even jump start Butler's recruiting.

    I agree with this. I think Stevens is a good coach, but he is replaceable.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Goose85 View Post
    Makes Buzz, JT3, Wright that much more valuable to the new Big East.
    Was going to post the same. You can bet the new BE commish is circling the wagons with the BE Presidents saying they better ensure the top coaches are being taken care of. Buzz's value just went up and MU's leadership will feel the pressure to ensure he's taken care. A very good thing for MU.

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