Sultan - I don't think Navy boot camp is a ridiculous comparison. Many teams/coaches are putting boot camps into place to replicate boot camp from the branches of the military. Not to the same extent, but the framework is there. They work them to get into physical shape but also to toughen them up mentally. I don't see why it is so different, other than one group is athletes preparing for a competitive season and the other are military personnel preparing for a competitive career.

Tulsa - You say that Demovsky has a responsibility to report and doesn't want to come across as a cheerleader. I understand that, but it looks as if he is going in the other direction too the nth degree. He detailed Bross' complaints from an interview and laid them out there. In every story since he has brought them back up. Sykes and Brown were interviewed on Green Bay radio. Why has he not interviewed them? Former players have come out and spoken on Wardle's behalf, why has he not interviewed them? In his latest article he quotes former women's coach Matt Bollant, but states that the quotes were obtained by GBPG staff, then adds that he was not there this year. Why did he not interview Bollant himself?

The crap that Wilde was spewing on the air the other day was a shame, and to hear that he and Demovsky are tight shows that he took that story as gospel and will not entertain a view from the other side.