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Thread: NCAA considering new transfer rule?

  1. #1

    NCAA considering new transfer rule?

    @jeffborzello: RT @John_Infante: NCAA considering transfer model that would allow all athletes with a 2.6 GPA to play immediately:

    Boy would that be interesting, I'm thinking schools like UK and the other big dogs would love this.

  2. #2
    My first reaction is negative even if tampering is met with big penalties - that doesn't mean there won't be.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CaribouJim View Post
    My first reaction is negative even if tampering is met with big penalties - that doesn't mean there won't be.
    Agree. Recruiting would never end if that was the case. My guess is you would be limited to one transfer in your college career.

  4. #4
    The "student" part of "student athlete" is a joke at this point. Ridiculous.

  5. #5
    No...this wont be manipulated *at all.*

  6. #6
    Would be hard to prove tampering for sure as back channel discussions would be hard to be discovered much less proven

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Nukem2 View Post
    Would be hard to prove tampering for sure as back channel discussions would be hard to be discovered much less proven
    I would then give John Calipari a lie detector test and ask him if he would like that as a new rule - if he says yes then you know it is a bad rule.

  8. #8
    I think a 2.6 is too low for this rule. I understand rewarding academic achievement with broader options, but I don't think a 2.6 rates that. Make it a 3.0. If someone is achieving at that high of a level, he is going to factor in more variables than just basketball when making a transfer decision. It should also weed out all the kids that are just in school to play basketball, who would be more susceptible to being lured from their current school for greater basketball glory.

    The plus side of this rule is that I think at some schools we would see some kids grades more accurately reflect their academic work. No one is going to inflate a kids grades if it puts him in the free transfer zone. In fact you probably would start hearing complaints from players about receiving lower grades than they felt they deserved to keep them from transferring.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzWilliams4Pres View Post
    @jeffborzello: RT @John_Infante: NCAA considering transfer model that would allow all athletes with a 2.6 GPA to play immediately:

    Boy would that be interesting, I'm thinking schools like UK and the other big dogs would love this.
    What is "immediately"? Today? Can we load up on good players from poor teams for the NCAAs? Schools under the quarter system may be at an advantage, versus a semester system....


  10. #10
    This is absurd. Several problems.....

    1) A coach could say to a kid, "We like you, but just aren't sure you are good enough. Go to Eastern Illinois for a year, if you excel there, we will take you next year.

    2) It would help schools like Kentucky rebuild and reload every year. Is that why this is needed? Too hard for Kentucky to reload after losing the starting five to the draft?

    3) Discriminatory as all hell. Here you have the Prince of Bel Aire. Young Carlton grew up in the best schools, the best programs, tutors and teachers. He had all of the advantages as a kid, so school is somewhat easy for him. He didn't work hard at all, and pulled a 2.8, so he can transfer wherever he wants and play immediately. Then you have his cousin Will. Will grew up in East Philly. Rough neighborhood, did his best to stay out of gangs, was basically passed through school because he showed up, he didn't skip every day like his friends. He was never really pushed hard in school, and when he got to college it was a struggle adjusting to the school work, but with extra time in study hall, extra time with his professors, he fights and works hard to get a 2.5. So, is it fair that Carlton breezes his way to a 2.8 and can go where he wants but Will, who busted his ass and gets a 2.5 is stuck?
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