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Thread: I'm sorry - I don't get it.....

  1. #1

    I'm sorry - I don't get it.....

    I'm sorry, I don't get it. Yes, I know that people like the Harry Potter books. I actually like the Harry Potter movies. But today I am getting pounded on Twitter with Tweets about the Marquette Quidditch team? Really? Right now when recruits are searching Twitter for "Marquette" they are getting all of the Marquette Harry Potter Quittitch Team Tweets?

    Great Googly Moogly.
    "When March Madness spills into April.... that's the gravy!" - Homer Simpson

  2. #2
    You may want to make fun of it, but I bet those Quidditch dudes get tons of jersey chasers. Free swag from the shoe companies, Quidditch dorms, the whole magilla.

  3. #3
    I bet Larry Williams expects the freshmen quidditch players to live in the same residence halls as all of the regular freshmen.

  4. #4
    Voldemort cooled on Harry.

    In all seriousness, this action is sweeping the college campuses...and I have seen some matches, and I have to say, participants have to be in great shape. It is also fun to watch as a sport versus just a novelty. Quidditch Pro Am next summer anyone?

  5. #5
    Honestly - looking at the pictures - it could actually be a pretty fun game - just get rid of the absolutely ridiculous pretend flying brooms. That absolutely ruins it no matter how popular it is.
    "When March Madness spills into April.... that's the gravy!" - Homer Simpson

  6. #6

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