Quote Originally Posted by Nukem2 View Post
The protests, other than the backlash to the recent Trump tweets , really have not been political. More about police harassment and police shootings relative to minority communities. Personally, I have no issue with those protests. Unfortunately, the far greater issues in those communities relate to poverty, jobs, economics and crimes. Those issues are not unique to our country. Look at Europe, India and on and on. differnet minorities, but the same issues.
Unfortunately, the protestors chose a "lightning rod" for their protests. Now, their reasons are not considered or discussed - by them or anyone else. Frankly, I think they chose the wrong thing/way to protest or to get the issues on the table. I also think the NFL blew a huge opportunity with their reaction to the President's comments. Instead of the vitriolic reaction, they could have said the players have important issues that need to be discussed and they support their wanting to have them discussed. That would have elevated their cause, but now that is background music in a highly divided country.