Quote Originally Posted by CaribouJim View Post
The Bulls did the same with their 2nd round pick - I always watch the draft and I guess I don't remember that happening too often - maybe I'm too tired by that time of the night to remember.
Happened last year, Bucks sold Patrick McCaw to the Warriors. Team's are allowed to spend 3 million dollars a Fiscal Season in transactions with other teams. This was put in place because Cuban was dumping 3 million dollars in every trade. Given that the draft is probably the last major event of the Fiscal season, which starts July 1 and runs through June 30, rich teams, rather then pocket the cash, seek to improve the squad with the cash. GSW with all the championships, is rolling in dough. Money wise it makes sense, 3 million to replace an Andre Iguodala who's expected to command 15-20 annually.