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Thread: Favorite MU Player?

  1. #1

    Favorite MU Player?

    Just wondering who various posters view as their favorite player ON THIS YEAR'S TEAM!? Not who they view as the best player on the team, but their favorite?

    I have to admit I would have a hard time selecting one player. Two years ago, Duane was my favorite player. Last year it was Traci. This year I'd have to choose between Markus and Sam, but if I had to narrow it down to one, it'd be Sam.

    I'm guessing others might have some difficulty getting down to one as well, but I'm curious how others would choose.
    Last edited by Phantom Warrior; 03-14-2017 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
    It was your two for most of the year, but I am going with Rowsey. First time in a few years that we have had a players that other teams can love to hate, and I think has given us a needed jolt of shooting and competitiveness.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by warriorfan4life View Post
    It was your two for most of the year, but I am going with Rowsey. First time in a few years that we have had a players that other teams can love to hate, and I think has given us a needed jolt of shooting and competitiveness.
    And he dropped 30 on South Carolina when he played them while at UNC-Asheville!!

  4. #4
    Rowsey has been my favorite since before he started playing for us. Him jawing at Ben Simmons last year was awesome, and he's totally that guy his fans love and the opposing teams hate.

    I also really like Duane, he's been through so much and stayed loyal to the program. Love to see him get the chance to be the man next year.

  5. #5
    Sam. Kid is a winner. Love the way he competes.

  6. #6
    Markus, Sam, Katin, Duane, Andrew, Matt, Luke, JJ, Haanif in no particular order. Just a fun team to watch though they can be exasperating at times. But they worked together to get the program dancing again while being enjoyable to watch

  7. #7
    I'd have a hard time picking between Sam, Markus and Rowsey

    In recent years Crowder and Jimmy were easy choices and before that Wes. Just loved his fire and toughness.

  8. #8
    Duane. He is Marquette right now.

    Sam is my second choice. Best BBall IQ on the team and always seems to make the right play when it is needed. His help on the Brunson drive and then the rebound got us in the tournament.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Definitely Rowsey. Plays with confidence and a chip on his shoulder.

    Least favorite -- Haanif for obvious reasons this year.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by IrwinFletcher View Post
    Duane. He is Marquette right now.
    Totally. He is the heart and soul, he's hung in when he could've checked out due to injury and reduced PT. He seems like the team captain (do we have a team captain?). When he is warming up on the exercise bike after tip-off, he is constantly yelling instructions to the guys on the floor.

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