While I definitely believe the reason for playing slower is to keep more talented teams from running away on the scoreboard, there's also nothing to indicate that Coach Jordan has plans to push the tempo any time in the near future.

That's how it should be. Tempo - just like offense, play style, and any number of team traits - should be dependent on the roster and what suits it best. If we finish top 50 in tempo for 5 years and that 6th year we don't have a roster suited for it, pushing the tempo will just hurt the team's chances of winning.

Gotta play with what you have on the court. Coach Jordan doesn't have much.

The good news for folks who want victories this season is that the Horizon League looks to be historically bad. This team could finish 7-11 in a watered down conference. I mean, look at the talent - Oakland and Valpo look to be decent, and the rest of us are...ahem...poor.

Who is the best team after those two? Is it Green Bay, who was blown out by CMU? Wright State, who got run out of the gym by Penn State? NKU, who got beat by Austin Peay?

You know what's going to happen. We're going to get 5th or 6th, then you're going to see people like Jason come out of the woodwork and prop it up like it's equal to finishing 4th in 2010. Forget the fact that this conference will finish 19th or 20th and that one finished 11th.