Quote Originally Posted by Goose85 View Post
Keep in mind at a school like MUHS (I too am a grad), you can, and very likely will, get kicked out for getting into a fist fight. I know of kids at Catholic schools where my kids have gone / are going (MUHS, DSHA, Pius) where a kid got into a fist fight in the hall and was never seen at the school again - booted out. Two kids found with weed on their person at school, never seen at the school again - booted out that day.
At many Catholic schools there is little to no tolerance for such actions, and they can kick you out at their discretion.
Did you know that it was discovered right before graduation last year that one of those fine boys at MUHS were selling hard drugs out of his locker? The punishment? According to my nephew and the other boys at graduation, he was not allowed to participate in graduation. The school evidently was going to mail him his diploma. I don't recall hearing anything about this in the news, did you? Did you hear of an arrest or that the boy was denied his diploma? I didn't. Surely, there would have been a very public lawsuit if the school denied him his diploma. Simply put, these issues are a lot more complicated many seem to appreciate. BTW, who was he selling to, the teachers?

Yes, the rules are stricter at MUHS and the other Catholic schools. Still, there is a lot more going on than most know about. I was Chairman of the Board of a Catholic high school. You would be amazed at the issues we had to confront. We had issues as serious as sexual assault, kidnapping, restraining orders and sodomy. You think expelling students involved with these kinds of issues would be easy. It's not.

I will say this. If the kids involved in this matter have had ongoing issues at the school, I would guess they will voluntarily withdraw and transfer to another school. Even if MUHS does decide to expel them, the kids will withdraw from school prior to any decision on the expulsion appeal. If the kids have no prior issues, I would suspect they will be suspended and receive some other punishment. MUHS could try "expel" them, for pr reasons, but I would like there chances on appeal. If they are going to lose the appeal, the school will let them withdraw. It is highly doubtful anyone will actually be expelled in the technical sense.