I wonder if those bashing Jeter's performance over the years will be excited about Billeter? Here are his conference finishes since 2003-04:

8th, 7th, 5th, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 3rd, 3rd, t-4th, 3rd, t-9th, t-1st.

Wasn't one of the major arguments in favor of the firing that Jeter could not dominate the conference and finish in the top 3 consistently? Not that I am trashing Tom in any way, here....it's just interesting to me that this record would make a coach desirable when it is very similar to me to the one of the coach we just fired, except that the fired coach was at the D1 level already (and thus had stiffer competition).

After hearing so much made of meeting goals of "Top 3 in Conference" and "Top 100", I would think a stronger track record would be required of the replacement. Or maybe all that talk from Braun was BS to start with.....nah...that can't be the case at all, can it?