Before NBC's weekly games, before ESPN, before CBS, etc. there was TVS put together by Eddie Einhorn and Eddie helped bring Marquette and Al McGuire to the national stage. I'm not sure people in Milwaukee understand the impact Eddie had on Marquette.

Go to the Enberg/Packer story below to see what TVS did for college basketball.

Eddie Einhorn, former owner of the TVS network that televised college basketball, says coaches went from hating TV timeouts to embracing them. In his new book, "How March Became Madness," Einhorn says that Marquette's Al McGuire, desperate for a timeout but not wanting to use one of his own, once ran up the sideline to where Einhorn was sitting and said, "Eddie, are you going to call a TV timeout?"

If not for Eddie, we wouldn't have had Hot Rod Hundley calling the brawl game from Columbia.