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04-16-2012, 08:52 PM
Already has John Calipari and World Wide Wes helping him put a staff together. Baylor redux. Disgusting.


04-17-2012, 08:08 AM
I need to take a shower after reading that!

04-17-2012, 08:38 AM
I'm shocked a cat like "The Modfather" would even need help from World Wide Wes.


04-17-2012, 08:54 AM
The Modfather - is he using SMU to try and get the Trailblazers to jump? He is trying to get the Blazers GM job, but ultimately wants to be their coach. Now enter WWW.

One thing is amazing, I took a look at the agency the World Wide Wes now works for. They are a long time Hollywood agency, but have only been in sports for 5 years, yet have one of the best client lists out there. So I looked at their 'featured clients'. Local clients include Packers Head Coach Mike McCarthy, brewers Ryan Braun, Corey Hart, and former Marquette star Dwyane Wade.

So here is what I thought interesting - many members of the national media have been critical of World Wide Wes over the years, but now CAA has a sportscaster division, so don't expect these guys to criticize WWW..... Chris Weber, Rich Eisen, Adam Schefter, Kenny Smith, Michael Wilbon, Jim Rome - Not a huge deal, but I bet you never hear these guys rip World Wide going forward.

04-17-2012, 09:10 AM
I lived in San Antonio from '87 thru '91 and was a season ticket holder for the Spurs for the last three years (including the Tom Copa era BTW) and Brown was coach for most of the time. He actually is better suited for the college game IMO as he is a great teacher, very smart but has a real short shelf life as his shtick can grow old - he's wound so tight. Similar to Bobby Knight, a college player can make it though 3- 4 years with his M.O., but much past that and the players will turn him off, no matter how much success you had. The Spurs for the most part were very young and they had the biggest single season turn around up to that season and he has had a lot of success - 2 FF's with 2 different teams, one NCAA championship, one NBA crown and one Bronze in the Olympics. With him consulting w/ J.C. and WWW is a function of his age - he wants to make things happen ASAP - doesn't have time in building a program the old fashion way. I personally would have been all over Tony B., but selfishly glad to have him back if that is the end result.

We used to go to a bar a couple blocks away from my apartment after Spurs games and often Larry would come in, dapperly dressed of course, with a couple security guys. He would then, and kind of creepily, hit on babes. A girl I called on at the Coca-Cola office there was a friend of mine and looked like Ursula Andress in her prime - think James Bond. He hit on her one night there and her retort was pretty funny and he thought so as well - too politically incorrect to publish here. Strange, but very talented dude.