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View Full Version : How things stand Wednesday morning

03-26-2014, 10:20 AM
To state the obvious the hiring of a new school president is huge. This was a home run hire for all aspects of Marquette University has a knew president. The school has a man with a proven track record who knows the Milwaukee community and it's business leaders. He also despite coming from outside the university has a good grasp of the school's culture and is a sports lover. (somewhat of a recessive gene, he's White Sox fan)

We know recommendations are ready to be given on the hiring of a new AD. Despite the fact Dr. Lovell will not officially takeover until August 1 -- I'm sure the name will be submitted now for his consideration and Marquette will go ahead with that AD hire this week. The fact that Bill Cords has agreed to stay as an adviser to the news AD for a period of up to a year will help with the transition. It will insure that major boosters get to know the new guy or woman while having a known, friendly face assisting in the process.

All this means is a potential head coach will know who his bosses will be. A major barrier removed and deal breaker if it wasn't cleared up.

As far as the search goes no one has officially taken themselves out of consideration. Reports were floated that Ben Howland was too pricy for Marquette. I don't buy that and think it was a face saving story plant. Howland has a proven track record and with the job market what it is right now he will be available and probably wouldn't jump to a South Florida or Wake. He wants resources in place so he won't have an Oliver Purnell experience. Brian Wardle will be available but many question his resume. (I'm not one of them and have followed GB closely watching most of their games for a number of years) This is not an endorsement.

Shake Smart is the sexy choice and has Wisconsin connections. The guy at Louisiana Tech is in the up and comer category and his dad is the AD at Duke. Nebraska has an interesting coach. Would a Tony Bennett want to come home? I've gotten some laughs when I've mention Larry Krystkowiak, the head coach at Utah. The same laugh track came with a mention of Tod Kowalcyzk at Toledo. Krystkowiak has done well in the college ranks and would be attractive to big men recruits. Kowalcyzk is loved by money boosters in GB and Toledo. (I think it's his golf game) He didn't do well with grassroots fans in Green Bay who never forgave him for not being Dick Bennett. The fact is he has taken over two morbid programs and brought them to respectability. Wardle inherited a much better program at GB than Kowalcyzk inherited. (again not an endorsement) Tod will move up somewhere.

If I was doing Marquette's PR I would try to keep a lid on a head coach hire. During this news cycle I'd want the local media to focus on the new school president. Thursday if possible the hiring of a new AD and Friday or Saturday the announcement of a new head basketball coach. That would allow for a lot of free coverage. The timing of the hiring of a new basketball coach of course could be impacted if the individual is still involved in a post season tournament.

Let the speculation continue.

03-26-2014, 10:57 AM
Speaking of new AD's. I like Steve Cottingham and he fell on his sword for Marquette a few years ago. Any chance in a million that he could be brought back?

03-26-2014, 11:06 AM
Speaking of new AD's. I like Steve Cottingham and he fell on his sword for Marquette a few years ago. Any chance in a million that he could be brought back?

No, but that would be great.

Oddly, the job he ultimately wanted was the one that was just announced. He became the AD reluctantly and never wanted to leave the College Administration side. His goal was to be the first lay President at MU. It's a shame what happened to him here at the end.

03-26-2014, 11:12 AM
I myself don't think having an AD in place matters. Would it make more sense to hire the coach first, who then can have input on the hiring of the new AD, while Cords stays on in an interim role? Not sure.

Alan Bykowski, "brewcity77"
03-26-2014, 11:18 AM
I don't know about that. Yes, having Cords in interim is okay, but ultimately you want to have an AD that does have authority over the basketball coach. If the coach makes more money than the AD (a given) and was hired by him, it's hard to justify that the AD has any authority. I'd much rather see an AD in place, or at least know who it's going to be, rather than creating a situation where the HC looks like the AD's de facto boss.

03-26-2014, 11:54 AM
Cottingham quietly did a very good job. He not only hired Buzz but also hired Shamansky for volleyball, who took the program to a much higher level, and both lacrosse coaches. Too bad he got screwed.

03-26-2014, 01:08 PM
One other point -- do we know of anyone who has publicly taken themselves out of consideration for the Marquette head coaching position? To my knowledge no one whose name is out there has done that. I'm talking first person to a reporter, "I am not interested in the opening at Marquette."

Alan Bykowski, "brewcity77"
03-26-2014, 01:20 PM
Nope. Howland indirectly said that Marquette wouldn't match his price, but I'm not sure anyone actually believes that to be true.