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01-30-2014, 08:53 AM
Russguss - You had asked two home games ago about a guy seated in the second row next to the bench that the players high-five, the guy that sometimes goes into the huddle. If I was seeing who I believe you were referring to, that would be Stephen Molina, one of the student managers. So why would the players be high fiving him? Well, you know how Buzz always says that he keeps different stats that matter to him? Stats that we wouldn't understand? Well, I'm pretty sure that Molina is tracking those stats, so the players will get excited when he says they got a turkey, or tells Buzz they did this or that.

03-22-2014, 10:19 AM
I thought maybe he was a recruit.. I figured them high-fiving him was a clue as to he might be.. It wasnt meant to be a negative question...:cool: