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03-26-2012, 10:33 PM
Which message board did these quotes come from?

1. Why haven't we heard from our athletic department on this Mess??

2. It's like we are sitting and hoping!!

3. Because that is how they operate.

4. We haven't heard anything because they are a bit busy at the moment.

5. Pissed. I would feel better if [he was considering] bigger and better things. But the fact that he [would take] a step down just to get away from [him], makes me pissed.

03-26-2012, 10:34 PM
K state?

03-26-2012, 10:42 PM
K State. But I am sure they can find a top shelf coach who doesn't mind that the last guy left because the boss was a doofus.

03-27-2012, 07:59 AM
Psycho Martin gets hired at South Carolina the day the story gets out that he paid former prep players.


I have to wonder if the NCAA is going to scrutinize Martin more than ever based on his comments. Just sayin'. Actually, I've always liked the guy but if I were South Carolina, I'd stay away.

03-27-2012, 08:25 AM
I would too. I just think its funny that KSU's athletic dept. suffers from the same "what the hell are we supposed to be doing" syndrome. Most major corporations would never let control of public perception get away from them like this.