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03-24-2012, 06:43 PM
Why is Bo only questioned for his end of game brain phart by national media and not local media? He screwed up 3 different ways. 1. Not having Brggren in at the end when he needed his 2nd best scorer in the game. 2. Not calling TO when he did not have Bergerren in. 3. Not calling TO when Evans crapped his pants and passed back to Taylor rather than go to the hole (not the worst thing as DWade did same vs Tuls in 2002, these are college kids but coach needs to save them).

Of equal stupidity is Bo's defense of not using the timeout. His logic was circular in that he stated he likes to have one TO available for situation when they cannot get ball in from out of bounds. That is ridiculous for three reasons: 1. Bucky always has one less TO than opponents. 2. If they need to use it to get ball in bounds, they still need to inbound after the TO is used so they would be in the same situation he doesn't want to be in in the first place. 3. THIS IS THE FRICKIN SWEET SIXTEEN! You aren't playing Iowa. You need to duse everything available to win the game.

Why does the local media not call him out on the sheer stupidity? Bo blew a golden opportunity on several levels. I know a few Badger fans who are still pissed off but they are a minority compared to the Bo Ryan arse kissers who refuse to criticize. Potrykus broached the subject but didn't cross a certain line. No one else in the local media has uttered a word.

03-24-2012, 07:05 PM
The local media is more interested on tickets for adult "minors" being in a bar. They are not interested in questioning st. bo. If he did it, it was the right decision.

03-25-2012, 12:18 PM
First thing I posted on Scout after that game was that they lost because of Bo's poor coaching at the end. The usual Bo faithful came out and defended this poor coaching and said it was Jordan Taylor's fault. I'm more interested in someone coming out and putting an end to this ridiculous myth that Bo Ryan's teams play GREAT defense. They are very good defensively, but great! I don't think so. Low scoring does not always translate into great defense. Low scoring has more to do with draining the shot clock and limiting opponents opportunities than it does Bo's great defense.

03-25-2012, 12:24 PM
Interesting. Most Badger fans I know were very upset with how Bo managed the end of the game and for not having Bergerren in the game with a time out too.
Didn't he run Bergrerren to the scorers table but it was too late?

Why the need for a 3 - they were down 1 point. Pound it in to Bergerren and try and get a foul or an inside hoop. Badgers were way too in love with the 3. Don't see it changing next year either as they will basically have the same team.

03-25-2012, 03:39 PM
How can it be too late when you have a timeout left?

Father Dan's Camera
03-25-2012, 04:00 PM
How dare anyone question the great Bo Ryan? To have only 14 points for 2 pt land should have been a topic. There were possessions in the last 5 minutes where the ball never crossed the 3 pt line.

03-25-2012, 04:27 PM
No one will stand up to Bo Ryan. They are too intimidated by him in the pressroom.