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View Full Version : A personal message to Coach Buzz and Marquette Administration

03-21-2012, 06:02 AM
As long as the Marquette men’s basketball program is the target of a concerted ongoing smear campaign it’s time to mobilize resources. Fans respond – university officials get your #$%! together.

First off a repeat of advice to the Marquette administration – get some real help on the PR front someone who really knows how things work these days. In many ways Buzz is a natural but we all need coaching. You have to anticipate some out of left field questions particularly from some alleged news sources. A track record has been established. That doesn’t mean you cut them off – you just have to know their moves. Coach it’s like scouting another team.

Remember to be true to your core values in all your answers. It makes things a lot easier than listening to some person who thinks they are a “public relations expert.” Most colleges have people in those positions with degrees but no real world experience. When you look for someone to give advice find someone who has been on the barricades and has the scars to prove it.

As for yesterday’s ambush news conference – my answer would have been delivered this way. “Yes, there was an incident involving a number of our young players on January 29th. We dealt with it immediately. I love these young men with all my heart and I was disappointed with them in this instance. When you’re a teacher, coach or parent things like this happen. The real test for these young men is how they grow as responsible adults. With all my heart I am committed to helping this happen. This is an internal matter and that is all I will say on this question.”

On the off the wall DJO question -- “I will not respond to a question that is total innuendo. It’s not a fair question. Our program is committed to representing the university in the most positive way on and off the court – that means in the classroom and in the community. With our success we have also become a target by people who have their own agenda. That saddens me.”

You will get repeat questions at news conference just say with a matter of fact straight forward way, “I have answered the question already and will add additional comments if additional real information is presented to me. “

No one can get your goat if you don’t let them know where you keep it. Buzz's strength is his intensity and emotion. When dealing with a certain segment of the media he has the potential to be baited. As a career journalist I have seen both bias and just plain laziness among colleagues. If you work in the jungle understand the animals.

03-21-2012, 06:32 AM
Michael Hunt has some decent points this time. http://www.jsonline.com/sports/goldeneagles/keep-latest-marquette-incident-in-perspective-rs4ljch-143585246.html

I'm not sure I agree that the media has a right to know what specific punishment the players received in this incident. During the season a number of players sat out games or parts of games and I'm sure there were other internal consequences for minor infractions. There's a line on the right to know issue.

03-21-2012, 09:19 AM
ESPN had a misleading headline -- weak journalism. The length of the story was about right -- 2 paragraphs. The comments from a national audience say it all. No big deal. http://espn.go.com/ncb/conversations/_/id/7715146/marquette-golden-eagles-coach-buzz-williams-acknowledges-player-citations

03-21-2012, 09:58 AM

Would you be able to help out MU from a PR standpoint? I am dead serious. Your quotes as to the way you would have had Buzz answer those questions were absolutely perfect, in my opinion.

I tossed and turned all night in frustration as I tried to come up with ways in which I could help MU in what I consider an ENORMOUS problem......The Journal/Sentinel.

We obviously, need an entire Public Relations department that will get the right message about our university and all it's componnents to everyone around the world every day.

In the meantime, I just pray Buzz is not as completely frustrated with the local Milwaukee media as I am.....

03-21-2012, 10:12 AM
Can you imagine the combat with today's media if Al was our coach? Al would not back down and there would be no niceties. It would be war every day. Al enjoyed a great relationship with the media in his time but there was a cooperative relationship between the two. Not anymore. Can you imagine the response to the Channel 6 reporter's question yesterday if it were directed to Al?

03-21-2012, 10:54 AM
IMHO, this can be the time for Larry Williams to stand up and push back. I believe it calls out for that kind of action from him. It could strengthen the bond between Buzz and LW, as well.

03-21-2012, 11:01 AM
I agree MUMac. It is time for someone from MU to be agressive. The last time this occurred the only person who had any reasonable response was Mike Broeker. Time for someone from MU to stand up to the media. Enough kissing JS ass. Oh, and keep Stephanie Quade and any of the others who responded last time as far away from this as possible.

03-21-2012, 11:45 AM
Can you imagine the combat with today's media if Al was our coach? Al would not back down and there would be no niceties. It would be war every day. Al enjoyed a great relationship with the media in his time but there was a cooperative relationship between the two. Not anymore. Can you imagine the response to the Channel 6 reporter's question yesterday if it were directed to Al?

Al would have jumped the table and knocked the reporter out.

03-21-2012, 01:03 PM
Dont hold your breath waiting for Larry Williams to do anything. After all, he has ONLY been on the job for 3 months....and he would never want to make any changes right away without judging where the program was and where its at now....:cool:

Dan Silvestri
03-22-2012, 10:51 AM
IMHO, this can be the time for Larry Williams to stand up and push back. I believe it calls out for that kind of action from him. It could strengthen the bond between Buzz and LW, as well.

Someone in authority at MU should start to defend the university and get on the Journal's case. This should not all be on Buzz.