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View Full Version : Wade, ex-wife divorce battle escalates - Front Page Story in today's Sun-Times

07-27-2013, 10:08 AM

Geez - she needs help.

It just keeps getting uglier.

The divorce saga of Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade and ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches-Wade — reportedly ending in a $5 million settlement in a Chicago courtroom on Monday — moved to the courtrooms of Miami the same day, over her rights to child visitation.

Wade refused to turn over the couple’s two sons to Funches-Wade on Monday for a two-week visit as previously scheduled, instead filing an emergency motion in Miami demanding she submit to a psychological evaluation or lose rights to any future visits with her children.

In the filing, Wade cites his ex-wife’s anger over the course of the five-day settlement trial, and her emotional display at the Daley Center after its fourth day — when she sat outside on the sidewalk telling her story to the media and public.

“S.L.’s [Funches-Wade’s] statements, behavior, and her demeanor in court reflect that she is presently lost, angry and desperate. Her behavior is not in the children’s best interests...D.T. [Wade] requests that this Court immediately suspend S.L.’s timesharing...pending the results of a psychological evaluation of S.L.,” Wade’s filing by his attorneys reads.

Funches-Wade, in a statement, told the Sun-Times there is nothing wrong with her.

“This is Mr. Wade’s ongoing pattern of behavior. I have noticed that after I speak out publicly and say what Dwyane has done to me, my children...Mr. Wade responds by running into court and asking the judge to terminate my visitation with my children in an effort to stop me from seeing my children anymore,” her statement read.

Wade’s attorneys acknowledge the boys were to be dropped off to their mother at earlier in the week, but told the Sun-Times that after the Daley Plaza incident, Wade decided not to, drafting the emergency motion over the weekend and filing it Monday morning.

The $5 million settlement in the former couple’s long-running divorce saga was approved by Cook County Circuit Court Judge John Thomas Carr that afternoon.

Wade’s attorneys and publicists subsequently issued a statement, that read in part, “Dwyane Wade and his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches have reached a financial settlement...Mr. Wade has provided a very generous settlement to Ms. Funches to continue to live a wonderful lifestyle for the rest of her life...Mr. Wade continues to hope that one day he will have a civil relationship with his ex-wife for the sake of their sons.”

Funches-Wade’s attorneys told the Sun-Times Wade’s filing has no legal impact on terms of the custody judgment, and that the mother should have received her children pending a hearing on Wade’s motion, currently scheduled to be held Tuesday in the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County.

After four days of unsuccessful communications between the couple’s attorneys, Funches-Wade on Thursday filed an Unlawful Visitation Interference report with the Dolton Police Department, accusing Wade of violating their 2011 custody judgment.

That judgment calls for the NBA star and his ex-wife to “have equal parenting time with the children in the summer in alternating two-week blocks of time,” and apprise the other always of the children’s whereabouts.

According to the Dolton police report, “The victim [Funches-Wade] further states that her attorney contacted the offender’s attorney and parenting coordinator, however neither would disclose the whereabouts of the children.”

Dolton Police say they believe they have no jurisdiction in this case.

Funches-Wade’s attorneys say they intend to appear in court on Tuesday and demand Wade turn over the children, and seek sanctions against the three-time NBA champion.

But Wade’s attorneys say they believe they have a solid case.

The one-time high-school sweethearts grew up in south suburban Robbins, and were married in 2002. Wade, now dating actress Gabrielle Union, filed for divorce in 2007.