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View Full Version : For those disappointed by vanders decision

04-17-2013, 07:28 AM
Keep in mind there are different levels of pro ball around the world with different levels of compensation. 20 years ago a UW basketball player was paid $1 million a season in Greece. Turkish teams can and will pay at that level. The Chinese love the NBA and are ponying up a lot of money these days for the pro teams there.

Chapman's experience in England and Grimm's in Switzerland are at a different level of professional basketball.

If Vander feels like this is the best way to take care of his family my prayers are with him.

Perhaps deep down some of us might feel disappointment because with Vander in the coming season it would be easier for Marquette to capture that brass ring that the school once had in 1977?

Like all of of Buzz's teams the 2013-14 squad will have its own unique personality. It will be another team with players developing and growing up in ways some didn't think possible. We need to enjoy the ride and care about the players beyond wins and loses. They have a life to live outside the time they are on the court and pressures and a sense of family obligations most times we don't have a clue about.

04-17-2013, 07:36 AM
Looking on the bright side, Vander's decision will free up a lot of PT for the incoming freshmen. That will be fun to watch.


04-17-2013, 09:21 AM
Looking on the bright side, Vander's decision will free up a lot of PT for the incoming freshmen. That will be fun to watch.

VSYep. Time to move on and enjoy the next ride. Certainly the dynamics and chemistry of the '13-'14 team will be different with the departure of Van, Junior, Trent, Juan, Jake and Jamal with at least 5 new guys coming in. The roller coaster keeps going.

04-17-2013, 09:26 AM
As I said yesterday, the King is dead! Long live the King! Van made his decision and I wish him well. I hope to follow him in the NBA next year. No need to dwell on the what could have been scenarios. MU will be fine. Van will be fine.

I guess having been through the times when Chones, McNeil and Lucas left early, back to back to back, at a time that was very unusual, I can easily move on from this.

My only disappointment is that it appears there were many experts giving Van the advice to stay. I hope it works out for him. Time for this board to look to who replaces him and move on.