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View Full Version : Tougher NCAA standards on the way

09-24-2012, 02:49 PM
For class of 2016.
Core course GPA to 2.3 from 2.0. Must have 10 course courses complete before beginning of senior year. No more cramming in all requirements in senior year. The NCAA estimates 43.1% of men's basketball players enrolled in 2009-10 would not have been eligible. Jucos would need 2.5, up from 2.3.

Intersting from the article
- As a member of the NCAA’s Academic Cabinet, John Bruno, the faculty athletics representative at Ohio State University, believes in the need for tougher academic standards for incoming athletes. But during Sunday’s meeting, he questioned whether the NCAA would face a barrage of waivers to prevent that from happening. Others questioned if ESPN and the other television networks are ready for a potentially watered-down spectacle. “There are forces at work that would like for these rules to not be as strict,” Bruno said.

Funny line about ESPN and 'forces at work' that would prefer rulse not be as strict.


09-24-2012, 03:00 PM
I would imagine a lot of the top prospects that won't qualify would head over seas or play in the D-League. That or schools would just cheat more to get players in.